I am pleased to share that my exciting thriller novel got reviewed by the Waterstones website. The reviewer praised the storyline and character formation as highly distinctive.
During a walk around a nearby town a few days ago, I noticed two young women in their early thirties, who were identically dressed and yet they were not twins but sisters. What I overheard, when clo ........
This topic came to mind as, not for the first time, a title around which I should write a story was offered. Usually something I say or have written, gives rise to the suggestion. So far though my ........
When having coffee with a friend on Friday last, the two of us became rather fascinated by the conversation between two siters about their brother and his wife. The loudness of their voices showed ........
Imagination is important to writers of fiction, but this also means that one quickly begins to think of how one would re-act in real situations one hears about or sees that are distressing. Thus, I ........
The question that I have been asked repeatedly is how much of what I write is fact. This arises as persons, or things mentioned, appear familiar. If this is imagined, then I count it as a good point ........
The title ‘Through the gate of Horns’ is based on a belief held by the Ancient Greeks with regards to dreams. Can they sometimes bear a warning, or a prophecy? unlike many people who are definite in ........