Imagination is important to writers of
fiction, but this also means that one quickly begins to think of how one would
re-act in real situations one hears about or sees that are distressing. Thus, I
know that living through the hell that the people of Ukraine are
enduring, every day, would exceed the stoicism and bravery I could
muster. When there is a storm, I fear the worse with each gust and imagine all
sort of damage, so hearing the thunder of explosions and gunfire would put my
thoughts in overdrive. The cold, which I do not suffer well, lack of food,
water, sleep, would be physically too much. The stench around, the dead lying
unburied, adding to the emotional turmoil of seeing all being destroyed, and
for what? The ambitions of Putin, who would not the first in History to
describe scenes of utter devastation a victory. I hail the Ukrainians who
are bravely fighting and struggling to survive. In adversity it is said that
people find unexpected courage but I doubt mind would match that of the
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