When having coffee with a friend on Friday last, the two of us became rather fascinated by the conversation between two siters about their brother and his wife. The loudness of their voices showed their anger and frustration at not being allowed to see  their mother who had been moved to a ‘Granny flat’ at the brother’s property without this being made known before- hand. It would appear the mother had transferred her property to the brother, supposedly to pay for the cost of her new annexe, or so it was said.

The two sisters were convinced that all that had happened had been the result of bullying and hi-jacking their mother for no way could they believe she had made the decision voluntary. ‘He’s got one over us but how can we prove all this?’ there was agreement also that the brother had always been mean – minded towards them whilst his wife had always been jealous of the attention they got, making her provocative to try and show them ‘in a bad light’ – all very condemning.

Afterwards my friend remarked that it reminded her of my book ‘The Will  to Deceive’ and in phoning the next day, having re-read the book, her comment was what other readers have said: ‘a familiar story, you could have been writing about events of deceit and dirty tricks, especially regarding money and land that has happened in so many families.’ This, of course, i knew when I wrote it.

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